Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Claritien D

I LOVE being a Buzz Agent.  I was able to try Claritin D and had a very pleasant experience. 
I didn't know that Claritien made a sinus medication.  I thought they were only for allergies and I do not suffer from allergies.  Knock on wood. :)

This came just in time for my sinuses to be congested so that made me happy too.   I was shocked at how small these pills were.  I have gotten used to taking horse sized pills from Mucinex. and the large Tylenol cold and sinus pills.

My package came with a $10 off coupon.

These pills not only were easier to take because of the size but they worked so very well.  In about 15 minutes I felt the pressure going away.

If you have a hard time taking pills because of the size I recommend these for you.   If you haven't tried Claritin D before I would say give it a shot, it worked for me.

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