Sunday, January 20, 2013

Libert'e Greek Yogurt

                      I got my package with the coupons to try Libert'e Greek or M'editerran'ee yogurt. 

I can say times like this I'm so glad I'm a Buzzagent.   I love Greek yogurt and really hoped I was going to get picked to try this out.  I hadn't seen this yogurt until this trial.  I don't know if I just had my favorites or if I just didn't pay attention in the store and missed this one.

I'm in love with the peach & passion fruit Greek yogurt.   I almost forgot to take a picture of it because I was so caught up in the moment.   If the others are like this one I will be in Greek yogurt heaven.

Just like the fruit at the bottom yogurts there is a fruit mixture under the yogurt.   You can see the fruit pieces in the picture.  Sorry the picture is half eaten, there was more fruit in there than that. :)

This yogurt had no cheese/sour flavor as many other Greek yogurts I have had seem to have.  This one tasted just like the non Greek yogurts taste.   This one was sweet and the peach wasn't overpowering.  You could taste the peach more than the passion fruit but it was a very nice sweet fruity flavor.  After stirring the yogurt and fruit you have a nice smooth consistency.

I also tried the Lemon one and I thought it tasted like a lemon sorbet  with a cream.  I was told by another person it tasted like lemon meringue.  I can see that.   It was nice and refreshing, I really liked it too.

I do recommend trying this yogurt.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Redbox Instant

I was exited to try Redbox Instant at first.  Then I had problems right out of the gate.  I had to instant message customer service and though they were nice I spent 20 minutes with them apologizing to me but not getting anything done.   After 20 minutes of that I'm told they would be sending all my information to Tech Support and someone should contact me in 72 hours. 
I got Redbox to work on my IPad so I tried to watch a movie on it. "Footloose"  The newest movie they had on the site.  Not the original one the remake.   I was told when I hit watch movie that I couldn't watch the movie that it may have been taken off the site.

I didn't like Redbox instant.  You do not get any TV show only movies and the movie selection is small and full of old movies.  Mostly 1990 and 1980 movies.   One thing that makes it different than other services is they give you 4 dvd rentals, but this is only good for $1 dvd and you cant use that $1 as credit towards Blue Ray or Games, and pay the difference.  That would be nice.

I think if they put newer movies on so that they can compare to Hulu Plus and Netfix then this would be nice but as it stands right now this is a waste of $8 a month in my opinion and you could get more entertainment out of the Redbox machine with that money.

Redbox instant gets a big thumbs down from me.

Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Roasted Nut & Honey O's

I received my box of Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Roasted Nut & Honey O's.
I was sad to see my box of cereal looked like it had been punted like a foot ball but I was happy to see regardless.

I opened the box and honestly I wasn't loving the smell of the cereal.  First thought in my head as I inhaled the newly opened box was, "What did I get myself into?"  To my surprise they tasted great.  I didn't state my opinion when going up to my son and asking try this please.  He took one and said "These are good".  Then took a handful.  He then said "I didn't expect them to taste this good."    My husband tried some and said, "I would eat these".  My husband is very picky about his cereal so this says a lot to me.

In my opinion they remind me of Honey Nut Cheerios but taste a lot better.   I don't like Honey Nut Cheerios, they have a funny taste and leave an after taste that is also no good for me.  
After I was done eating these I still had a pleasant honey taste in my mouth. 

They did okay in milk, but got soggy faster than I like. 
I will be eating these just as a finger snack.   I like them a lot better with out the milk. 

We have already bought more of these since everyone liked them so much.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Claritien D

I LOVE being a Buzz Agent.  I was able to try Claritin D and had a very pleasant experience. 
I didn't know that Claritien made a sinus medication.  I thought they were only for allergies and I do not suffer from allergies.  Knock on wood. :)

This came just in time for my sinuses to be congested so that made me happy too.   I was shocked at how small these pills were.  I have gotten used to taking horse sized pills from Mucinex. and the large Tylenol cold and sinus pills.

My package came with a $10 off coupon.

These pills not only were easier to take because of the size but they worked so very well.  In about 15 minutes I felt the pressure going away.

If you have a hard time taking pills because of the size I recommend these for you.   If you haven't tried Claritin D before I would say give it a shot, it worked for me.