Monday, February 4, 2013

Johnsonville Chicken Sausage gets a thumbs up

I got a coupon for a package of Johnsonville Chicken Sausage in my Buzzagent package.

I really liked the chipoltie cheese.  It didn't taste very hot in my opinion.   I ate mine alone, no bun or sauces of any kind.
I also put it on a bun with some nacho cheese and jalapenos. 

I thought the Italian and cheese was a little heavy on the oregano.   I put some spaghetti sauce on the 2nd one as my condiment and thought it tasted wonderful.  I would think this would taste wonderful mixed in a pasta dish or just on a bun with the spaghetti sauce.   The rest of my family really liked the Italian.

I haven't tried the apple and the store didn't have the Cajun one, that saddened me.

I really do like these and I will be buying more.  If you like the sausages then I would recommend  these to you.  I couldn't tell by taste any difference that they were made from chicken.  When you look at them you can see it is different than the pork but eating them you don't feel a texture difference.

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