Monday, May 13, 2013

Green Giant Veggie chips

This is what I got for free to try in my buzz kit.

 The Sweet Potato chips tasted a lot like sweet corn chips.  My son really enjoyed them and said to him they tasted like Fritos.    They are bigger than Fritos in size.  They have a nice crunch to them and the salty taste to fill the craving.

The Zesty Cheddar Veggie Tortilla Chips were very tasty.  They have a nice cheesy flavor and you can taste a hint of the red peppers.  I thought they tasted a little like a Queso flavor chip.   My son loved them and said they tasted like Doritos.    We ate a bag with not dipping and then bought more bags from the store and used them with different kinds of salsa.  These chips were great tasting either way.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kroger Brand Spring Dinners

I love being able to try things for free being a buzz agent but I can say my family loved doing this one with me.

My Buzz kit came with coupons for a Pork loin "Moist & Tender" . A box of Cake mix, I picked Chocolate.  A can of frosting, my son wanted vanilla.  A container of Crescent rolls, we picked buttery.  A tub of Mashed potatoes.   All of these were the Kroger brand items.

The Moist & Tender pork loin I baked in the oven.   It lived up to it's name with flying stars.  It was very yummy and couldn't have been any more moist and tender.    I didn't braze it, I just took it out of it's package and right in the baking dish.  I used some fried onion chips and a honey mustard bbq sauce on the loin when baking it.   This is my families' favorite way of eating pork loin.

The Crescent rolls were the butter flavor.  They were flaky and buttery.  They tasted just like the name brand ones I have always bought before.  The crescent rolls didn't make it long.  Everyone wanted more of them.

I made cup cakes out of the cake mix.  We need portion control in this house and that was the easiest way.  They were so moist and delicious.  I used  4 table spoons of Coconut oil instead of the butter and used Carbmasters Vanilla milk to add some protein instead of the water. 
The cake mix only had 3 ingredients you had to add,  water, eggs, and butter.
Everyone that ate one said they were great.

The mashed potatoes were the only thing that was horrible in my opinion.  They had a very funny taste to them.  A family member told me it tasted like a cardboard taste.    The consistency was the same as any other prepackaged mashed potatoes.
I always make my mashed potatoes from scratch so I may not be the best person to give an opinion about packaged potatoes.  But I have personally tasted TV dinner potatoes that were better than these.
I tried the potatoes first and made a couple family members also try it before adding salt, pepper, cheese, and bacon to the potatoes to try to make it taste good.   Even after adding all that to them, they still tasted strange.  The odd flavor just wouldn't go away.

Everything besides the mashed potatoes were fantastic and I would recommend that you try them if you are going to pick a name brand of the same thing.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Schick Hydro Silk

I love being a Buzzagent and trying things like this for free.
This is what was in my Buzzagent trial package.
I'm little scared about five blades, I'm a 3 blade girl.

I think I may have had a reaction to the gel from the razor.   As soon as it touched my leg after getting wet I saw the gel allowing the razor to slide across my leg with ease.   I think the razor worked great, but I got this burning/itching feeling after I shaved.  I didn't have razor burn, there were no bumps.  I couldn't see anything wrong with my legs but there was something going on.                                                                                  
I would recommend someone trying this because it did work very well.   I didn't cut myself, which was a big fear I had in the beginning.  I have only used 2 and 3 blade razors so the thought of 5 was a bit overwhelming for me.   I stuck it out and besides the bad reaction from me it was a good experience.                                 
 There was not smells that I could tell coming from the razors gel.   The Razor had a very nice pivoting head.  That made things nice for under arms and legs more easily being shaved.  The handle had a nice grip to it.  It was a hard plastic but was still easy to hold on to when it was wet.                                                               

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kroger Good For You CARBmaster

My starter package had a gift card in it so I could buy the product.
Love being a Buzzagent and getting to try things for free!

I got these with the gift card.  I really wanted to try the cinnamon roll but they were all out.


I think the Vanilla CARBmaster is Amazing.   I do not drink milk so I wasn't sure if I would like this or not.
The best way I can think to describe the Vanilla CARBmaster nonfat reduced sugar milk is that taste like a very mild milk shake.  When I tasted the milk it took me back to when I was a kid making home made ice cream from snow.  You take sugar, vanilla, and milk mixed with fresh snow.  That is what I think of when I drink this milk.
It has the consistency of a skim milk.  I can not drink whole milk and I have to ad water to 2% milk I buy for my son when I try to drink some.  This was just right for me.   I'm all about adding protein to my diet so when I saw 11g of protein I was super happy. 

I think the Caramel Spice Cake was okay.  In all fairness I wanted some chocolate when I tried it.  It did taste a lot like spice cake, I didn't taste the caramel.  Once you stir it up it has a nice smooth consistency.
I have tried the Carrot Cake and I didn't like it.  My son really liked it but I found it has a strange taste.  I kept looking to see if it had artificial sweeteners in it but I couldn't tell if it does.  That is what my mind kept telling me it tasted like.  I found this taste also in the Strawberry Pomegranate.  So far the only CARBmasters yogurt I like is the Black Forest Cake.   I love the fact that they are low in calories and carbs but I just don't think much of those yogurts taste myself.

So far the Pineapple Mango is the only Greek Nonfat yogurt I like the taste of.  The other have a strange taste to them I just cant put my finger on.   The Pineapple Mango had small chunks of pineapple and mango mixed in with the yogurt.   You do need to mix these because they are thick starting out. 

I give the CARBmasters vanilla milk a thumbs up, but the yogurts on still on the fence about.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Glade Expressions® Collection

My Buzzagent package had coupons for free starter kits for the Glade Expressions.

A little upset that Kroger Charges more than Walmart for these, and Walmart doesn't have a good selection.  I would have had to pay to try these products even after giving them the free coupon at Kroger.  The amount of the free coupon is max less than what Kroger charges.

The Pineapple oil diffuser kit is a little overwhelming.  It is a nice smell but very powerful.  I would suggest using this in a larger size room at least for the first day.  I put it in my master bath so the bedroom and the bathroom could share the fragrance.  I think the living room would have been better, since I have an open floor plan to the kitchen, dinning room, and call way.
The fragrance is mostly Pineapple, I can't make out the mango but it does smell fruity.
Happy to say that the smell does soften after the first day.  I now walk into my room and it smells very tropical.   Almost makes me think someone is making pina' coladas in my room. :) 
It has hidden my cats business very well.  I'm very happy with this product.

The Evening spray fragrance mist was nice and soft.  I really liked it as soon as I smelled it in the store.  I wish both came in the Evening scent.  It does a very good job covering up my stinky dogs when they come inside.

I would recommend both of these products for someone to try.

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Johnsonville Chicken Sausage gets a thumbs up

I got a coupon for a package of Johnsonville Chicken Sausage in my Buzzagent package.

I really liked the chipoltie cheese.  It didn't taste very hot in my opinion.   I ate mine alone, no bun or sauces of any kind.
I also put it on a bun with some nacho cheese and jalapenos. 

I thought the Italian and cheese was a little heavy on the oregano.   I put some spaghetti sauce on the 2nd one as my condiment and thought it tasted wonderful.  I would think this would taste wonderful mixed in a pasta dish or just on a bun with the spaghetti sauce.   The rest of my family really liked the Italian.

I haven't tried the apple and the store didn't have the Cajun one, that saddened me.

I really do like these and I will be buying more.  If you like the sausages then I would recommend  these to you.  I couldn't tell by taste any difference that they were made from chicken.  When you look at them you can see it is different than the pork but eating them you don't feel a texture difference.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Libert'e Greek Yogurt

                      I got my package with the coupons to try Libert'e Greek or M'editerran'ee yogurt. 

I can say times like this I'm so glad I'm a Buzzagent.   I love Greek yogurt and really hoped I was going to get picked to try this out.  I hadn't seen this yogurt until this trial.  I don't know if I just had my favorites or if I just didn't pay attention in the store and missed this one.

I'm in love with the peach & passion fruit Greek yogurt.   I almost forgot to take a picture of it because I was so caught up in the moment.   If the others are like this one I will be in Greek yogurt heaven.

Just like the fruit at the bottom yogurts there is a fruit mixture under the yogurt.   You can see the fruit pieces in the picture.  Sorry the picture is half eaten, there was more fruit in there than that. :)

This yogurt had no cheese/sour flavor as many other Greek yogurts I have had seem to have.  This one tasted just like the non Greek yogurts taste.   This one was sweet and the peach wasn't overpowering.  You could taste the peach more than the passion fruit but it was a very nice sweet fruity flavor.  After stirring the yogurt and fruit you have a nice smooth consistency.

I also tried the Lemon one and I thought it tasted like a lemon sorbet  with a cream.  I was told by another person it tasted like lemon meringue.  I can see that.   It was nice and refreshing, I really liked it too.

I do recommend trying this yogurt.

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